martes, 24 de abril de 2007

Flavor of the month: Rocky Roads!

It's been one delightful month, yes, it's been tasty, it's been spicy, it's been sweet, but hell, has it been rocky! I never thought things with you would be so good (because they have been good) but at the same time I never imagined that becoming a couple would bring out so many complications. I hereby come clean and admit the fact that I am a complicated woman but you are a man with a past.

I know everybody has a past but the thing is that I am not used to getting involved with a man I know so little about. We met a long time ago, but we were apart for almost 4 years and now you come back into my life and suddenly we are an item. And I am insecure...I feel threatened by your past, the women you used to be with, the way the treated you, the way you were with them.

Maybe I shouldn't care that much about your past, maybe I should get past my insecurities and be more mature about it. I mean, you chose to be with me so there might be a good reason for that. I also need to stop being so petty, I get annoyed easily but I can't throw a fit over the simple stuff that happens everyday. I think I do it because I'm spoiled and I'm used to getting things done my way.

Although I have enjoyed a lot our first month together, we have also had our "differences", these have not created a abysm between us but they have certainly become rocks in our newfound road to happiness. However, we dodge them, we jump over them and we move on. In a way I am glad for our "differences" because they show that we really care for each other, if we didn't care we wouldn't bother, right?

So cheers to my (rocky/bumpy) first month!!!

4 comentarios:

Marino Bonilla dijo...

Vivo en el Residencial G24, que está entre las calles L y camino chiquito de la agustina.

luima dijo...

En el amor hay muchos sabores, rochy road seguido sexy strawberry is bueniiiisimo. Enjoy life y no le pares!!

Marino Bonilla dijo...

creo saber quien eres.....parece que te encanta Celine Dion, no?

Butt3rfly dijo...

Luima tu comentario me puso a pensar en el show de tv de Flavor Flav, jijijijijijiji