domingo, 27 de mayo de 2007

These days

Wow! It's been more than a month I have been away from here. I have been terribly busy. I changed my job, broke up with my boyfriend, got back together with my boyfriend, rejected a job offer, got a job, got sick with the flu...and a few more things that I cannot remember right now.

Truth is I have been so tired these days that I hardly ever get online, not even to check my mail. I just don't care anymore, I just want to sleep. My new work schedule is wonderful 'cause I can even sleep in late if I want but I am still adjusting to it, my organism is still adjusting.

I am not happy, there are a few reasons to blame: men, credit cards and my country's public transportation system (more like the fact that I don't own a car). Anyway, I am also feeling down these days because a friend of mine just lost his brother. I am bad when it comes to someone losing someone dear, I never know what to say or what to do. I wish I was with him right now, and hug him real tight, that's all I would do, I am sure if I dare to open my mouth nothing nice would come out. But all these days my mind and heart have been feeling for him, I am so sorry for his loss, so sad for him.

Back to Da Gurl, these are certainly not my best days. I wish I could go away...